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lissa_sex5 chaturbate 迪拜颁布规则盘曲驱除DIFC-LCIA仲裁中心(规则及翻译) - 国产传媒
国产传媒-lissa_sex5 chaturbate 迪拜颁布规则盘曲驱除DIFC-LCIA仲裁中心(规则及翻译)

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lissa_sex5 chaturbate 迪拜颁布规则盘曲驱除DIFC-LCIA仲裁中心(规则及翻译)
发布日期:2024-11-01 11:46    点击次数:164

迪拜颁布规则盘曲驱除DIFC-LCIA仲裁中心lissa_sex5 chaturbate


跟着仲裁大众主义的发展,LCIA于2011年和2015年与毛里求斯和迪拜签署协调协议,建立纠合的全新仲裁中心,开发非洲和中东地区的仲裁阛阓。与发达国度仲裁中心的联营协调,也被视为发展中国度仲裁发展的方式之一。但是跟着发展中国度买卖的膨大和仲裁的发展,其慢慢终止了与发达国度仲裁机构的协调,其终止方式主要分为两种。以伦敦海外仲裁院-毛里求斯海外仲裁中心(LCIA-MIAC)的终止为例,LCIA与毛里求斯政府于2018年达成双边协议,自此终止了两边2011年的合伙协议,该方式的特征为“经两边合意的终止”。与LCIA-MIAC的终止方式各异,DIFC-LCIA的终止是迪拜单方以颁布规则的方式驱除了DAI(DIFC-LCIA运营协议的相对方),该规则使DIFC-LCIA的协调方不复存在,从而盘曲驱除了DIFC-LCIA。对于迪拜单方颁布规则的行动,LCIA称该规则是个只怕,迪拜并未对其征求意愿,也并未提前陈述相关规则的实质(“This Decree and its swift enactment came as a surprise to the LCIA. The LCIA was not consulted nor given notice of the Decree.”)。综前所述,联营仲裁中心的终止有两种方式:一种是各方另签署联系终止协调的双边协议,即合意的终止;另一种为协调一地契方颁布规则驱除其统治范围内联营仲裁中心的运营机构,即单方的终止。由此可见,跟着发展中国度的买卖和仲裁的发展,发展中国度倾向于脱离发达国度仲裁中心的匡助,而建立其自己的仲裁中心。但是无论以何种方式终止联营仲裁中心,两边齐需对子营仲裁中心已继承理的争议和将来可能发生的争议作出安排,迪拜就DIFC-LCIA至DIAC的鬈曲礼貌了6个月的过渡期,并就以下事项作出礼貌:









Article (1) Scope of Application

The provisions of this Decree apply to the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (the “DIAC”) established pursuant to the above-mentioned Decree No. (10) of 2004 as a non-governmental non-profit centre having legal personality, financial and administrative autonomy, and the legal capacity required to undertake the acts and dispositions that ensure the achievement of its objectives.



Article (2) Head Office of the DIAC

The head office of the DIAC will be located in the Emirate of Dubai. The DIAC will have a branch at the Dubai International Financial Centre and may, pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of the DIAC, establish other branches and offices within and outside of the Emirate of Dubai.

第二条 DIAC的总部


Article (3) Statute

The DIAC will be regulated and managed in accordance with the Statute attached hereto.



Article (4) Abolished Arbitration Centres

Pursuant to this Decree, the following centres are abolished:

1. the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre established pursuant to the above-mentioned Decree No. (14) of 2016; and

2. the Dubai International Financial Centre Arbitration Institute regulated pursuant to the above-mentioned Law No. (5) of 2021 and other legislation in force within the Dubai International Financial Centre,

collectively referred to hereinafter as (the “Abolished Arbitration Centres”)



1. 字据前述2016年第(14)号规则缔造的阿联酋海事仲裁中心;以及

2. 字据前述2021年第(5)号规则和迪拜海外金融中心内灵验的法则进行监管的迪拜海外金融中心仲裁机构;


Transfer and Succession Article (5)

a. As of the date on which this Decree comes into force, the following will be transferred to the DIAC:

1. the ownership of the real property, movables, assets, devices, equipment, and other property of the Abolished Arbitration Centres;

2. the Abolished Arbitration Centres employees whose transfer is decided pursuant to a resolution of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the DIAC;

3. the financial appropriations allocated by the Government of Dubai to the Abolished Arbitration Centres by the effective date of this Decree; and

4. the lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts registered with the Abolished Arbitration Centres; and the membership of the Abolished Arbitration Centres' members. The registration and membership of these persons will continue, subject to the same conditions, procedures, and fees prescribed by the Abolished Arbitration Centres, until expiry of the term of registration or membership. The registration and membership conditions, procedures, and fees prescribed by the Board of Directors of the DIAC will apply upon renewal of such registration or membership.

b. All rights and obligations of the Abolished Arbitration Centres are hereby transferred to the DIAC.


a. 自本法奏效之日起,下列实质将转让给DIAC:

1. 取消的仲裁中心的不动产、动产、财富、斥地和其他财产的悉数权;

2. 字据DIAC理事会主席的有设想被更正的取消的仲裁中心的职工;

3. 迪拜政府在本法奏效之前分拨给取消仲裁中心的财政拨款;以及

4. 注册在取消的仲裁中心的仲裁人、妥洽员和各人名单;取消的仲裁中心的会员履历。该类会员的注册和履历将字据取消的仲裁中心礼貌的调换的条件、方法和用度将延续至其注册或履历的失效。字据DIAC理事会制定的会员注册和履历条件、方法和用度将适用于在该类会员注册或履历的延期。

b. 取消的仲裁中心的悉数权柄与义务相应地转让给DIAC。

Article (6) Validity of Arbitration Agreements

a. All agreements to resort to arbitration at the Abolished Arbitration Centres, concluded by the effective date of this Decree, are hereby deemed valid. The DIAC will replace the Abolished Arbitration Centres in considering and determining all Disputes arising out of the said agreements unless otherwise agreed by the parties thereto.

b. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties to arbitration, the arbitration tribunals and panels formed by the effective date of this Decree at the Abolished Arbitration Centres and the DIAC will continue, without interruption, to consider and determine all arbitration claims pending with them, in accordance with the rules and procedures they adopt in this respect. However, the DIAC and its administrative body will supervise processing these claims.


a. 约定在取消的仲裁中心进行仲裁的仲裁协议,若该协议在本法奏效之日前已签署的,则应视为灵验的仲裁协议;除非仲裁当事东谈主在仲裁协议另有约定,DIAC将代替取消的仲裁中心审理和裁定该仲裁协议约定的悉数争议;

b. 除非仲裁当事东谈主另有约定,在本法奏效之日前取消的仲裁中心和DIAC已构成的仲裁庭或各人组,将持续、不驱除地按照其适用的规则和方法审理并裁决悉数待决的仲裁肯求。DIAC过火行政机构将监督这些肯求的处理经由。

Article (7) Competent Court

As of the date on which this Decree comes into force, the Dubai Courts and the DIFC Courts will, in accordance with the respective procedures and standards adopted by them in this respect, continue to consider any claim, application, or appeal relating to any award issued or arbitration measure taken by the arbitration tribunals of the DIAC and the Abolished Arbitration Centres.



Article (8) Supersession and Repeals

a. Pursuant to this Decree, the following decrees are repealed:

1. Decree No. (14) of 2016 Establishing the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre;

2. Decree No. (17) of 2019 Approving the Statute of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre;

3. Decree No. (31) of 2019 Forming the Board of Trustees of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre; and

4. Decree No. (32) of 2019 Forming the Board of Trustees of the Emirates Maritime Arbitration Centre.

b. This Decree supersedes Decree No. (10) of 2004 Establishing the Dubai International Arbitration Centre. Any provision in any other legislation will be repealed to the extent that it contradicts the provisions of this Decree.

c. The rules of arbitration and conciliation adopted by the Abolished Arbitration Centres and the DIAC, including the rules of arbitration and conciliation approved pursuant to the above mentioned Decree No. (11) of 2007, will continue in force to the extent that they do not contradict the provisions of this Decree and the Statute attached hereto, until the new DIAC rules of arbitration and conciliation are approved by the Board of Directors of the DIAC.


a. 字据本法松手下列规则:

1. 缔造阿联酋海事仲裁中心的2016年第(14)号规则;

2. 批准迪拜海外仲裁中心规则的2019年第(17)号规则;

3. 缔造迪拜海外仲裁中心受托经管委员会的2019年第(31)号规则;以及

4. 缔造阿联酋海事仲裁中心受托经管委员会的2019年第(32)号规则。

b. 本法取代了缔造迪拜海外仲裁中心的2004年第(10)号规则。其他规则中与本法实质有相背的,以本法为准。

c. 直到DIAC理事会批准新的DIAC仲裁与妥洽规则前,取消的仲裁中心和DIAC通过的仲裁和妥洽规则,包括2007年第(11)号规则批准的仲裁和妥洽规则,前述与本法和本法所附规则无相背的部分持续灵验。

Article (9) Compliance

The DIAC must coordinate with all the concerned entities in the Emirate of Dubai to comply with the provisions of this Decree and the Statute attached hereto within no later than six (6) months from the effective date hereof.



Article (10) Publication and Commencement

This Decree will be published in the Official Gazette and will come into force on the day on which it is published.




Chapter One General Provisions

Definitions Article (1)



The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Statute, will have the meaning indicated opposite each of them unless the context implies otherwise:


The United Arab Emirates.


The Emirate of Dubai.


His Highness the Ruler of  Dubai.


The Dubai International  Financial Centre


These include the Dubai  Courts, the Rental Disputes Settlement Centre in the Emirate; and any other  centres or tribunals, as the case may be, established pursuant to legislation  issued by the Ruler and vested with the power to supervise arbitration proceedings.


The Dubai International  Arbitration Centre.

Board of Directors

The board of directors of the  DIAC.


The chairman of the Board of  Directors

Arbitration Court

The arbitration court formed  pursuant to this Statute.

Executive Director

The executive director of the  DIAC.


Any local, regional, or  international dispute arising out of a contract, a relationship, an incident,  or any other matter relating to commercial civil, real property, maritime,  construction, investment, or other business activities.

ADR method

Any method, other than  litigation, for the resolution of local or international Disputes. This  includes any type of arbitration, conciliation, mediation, negotiation, and  any other alternative Dispute resolution method approved by the Board of  Directors.














Board of Directors




Arbitration Court


Executive Director






Article (2) DIACObjectives

The DIAC aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. to consolidate the position of the Emirate as a reliable international centre for Dispute resolution through ADR Methods;

2. to enhance the position of the DIAC as one of the best options available to parties to Disputes for efficient and effective Dispute resolution, through adopting the international best practices in ADR Methods management; and

3. to promote recourse to ADR Methods with a view to serving the best interest of the finance and business community in the Emirate.

第二条 DIAC宗旨


1. 强化迪拜四肢通过ADR方法措置争端的可靠海外争端措置中心的地位;

2. 通过采用ADR方法经管的海外最好本质,升迁DIAC四肢争端各方灵验措置争端的最好弃取之一的地位;以及

3. 促进ADR方法的使用,以得志迪拜金融和买卖规模的最好利益。

Article (3) Functions of the DIAC

For the purpose of achieving its objectives, the DIAC will have the duties and powers to:

1. provide the service of administrative supervision of arbitration at the DIAC in accordance with the arbitration rules adopted by the DIAC or those agreed upon by the parties to Disputes;

2. resolve Disputes through ADR Methods in various languages and in accordance with the relevant rules adopted by the DIAC;

3. coordinate, cooperate, and conclude agreements and memoranda of understanding with specialised regional and international arbitration institutions and centres, with a view to enabling the DIAC to achieve its objectives. This includes exchanging expertise, lists of arbitrators and conciliators, and other resources;

4. conclude agreements and memoranda of understanding with competent courts within and outside of the Emirate on matters related to the enforcement of arbitral awards and decisions issued by the DIAC arbitration tribunals, and the ratification of settlement agreements mediated by the conciliators registered with the DIAC, in accordance with the procedures and standards adopted by the competent courts and as agreed upon with these courts in this regard;

5. raise awareness on ADR Methods through organising conferences, symposia, workshops, and training courses; and issuing print materials and publications specialised in ADR Methods;

6. create a register of DIAC members and lists of arbitrators, experts, and conciliators who are qualified and versed in the requirements and procedures of ADR Methods;

7. create a database of the decisions issued by the Arbitration Court on the recusal and removal of arbitrators, experts, and conciliators; and publish the same on the DIAC website and its approved digital channels, taking into consideration the confidentiality of the details of arbitrators, experts, conciliators, and parties to Disputes;

8. provide the rules of arbitration and conciliation and the bylaws governing the ADR Methods in various languages, and publish the same on the DIAC website and its approved digital channels; and

9. exercise any other duties or powers required for the achievement of the objectives of the DIAC.

第三条 DIAC的功能


1. 字据DIAC通过的或仲裁各方痛快的仲裁规则,为DIAC的仲裁提供行政监督服务;

2. 字据DIAC通过的相关规则,通过ADR方法以不同的讲话措置争议;

3. 与成心的区域和海外仲裁中心协调、协调并坚忍协议和和蔼备忘录,以使DIAC的宗旨得以完毕,包括交流专科常识、仲裁人和妥洽员名单以过火他资源;

4. 字据有统治权的法院所适用的方法与圭臬lissa_sex5 chaturbate,与法院坚忍联系DIAC作出仲裁裁决或决定的扩充、批注DIAC注册妥洽员所达成的妥洽协议事项坚忍协议和和蔼备忘录;

5. 通过组织会议、茶话会、研讨会和培训课程的方式升迁对ADR方法的意志;并发布成心针对ADR方法的印刷材料和出书物;

6. 建立DIAC会员的登记册,以及有履历的、醒目ADR方法和方法的仲裁人、各人和妥洽员名单;

7. 建立收录仲裁法庭作出对于仲裁人、各人和妥洽员规避和免职决定的数据库,并在DIAC官网过火批准的数字渠谈上公布前述决定,但前述决定的公开需对仲裁人、各人、妥洽员和争议当事东谈主的细节赐与守秘;

8. 提供多种讲话的仲裁和更正规则以及礼貌ADR方法果然定,并在DIAC官网过火批准的数字渠谈上公布;以及

9. 为了完毕DIAC宗旨,专揽任何其他必要的职责或权力。

Article (4) Place and Seat of Arbitration

a. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties to arbitration, the following provisions and rules will apply in respect of the place and seat of arbitration:

1. Where the parties to arbitration choose the Emirate as the seat or place of arbitration, the Arbitration Agreement and arbitration proceedings will be governed by the above-mentioned Federal Law No.(6) of 2018; and the Courts will have jurisdiction to consider any claim, application, or appeal relating to any award issued or arbitration measure taken by the DIAC arbitration tribunals.

2. Where the parties to arbitration choose the DIFC as the seat or place of arbitration, the Arbitration Agreement and arbitration proceedings will be governed by the above-mentioned DIFC Law No. (1) of 2008 or any other superseding legislation; and the DIFC Courts will have jurisdiction to consider any claim, application, or appeal relating to any award issued or arbitration measure taken by the DIAC arbitration tribunals.

b. Where the parties to arbitration fail to agree on the place or seat of arbitration, the DIFC will be deemed the place or seat of arbitration; and the Arbitration Agreement and arbitration proceedings will be governed by the provision stipulated in sub-paragraph (a)(2) of this Article and by the arbitration rules adopted by the DIAC.

c. Without prejudice to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Article, the parties to arbitration may agree that arbitration hearings be held at any place they deem appropriate or through modern communication means and electronic technologies.


a. 除非仲裁各方另有约定,仲裁地将字据下列规则确定:

1. 要是仲裁当事东谈主弃取迪拜四肢仲裁地,则仲裁协议和仲裁方法将受上述2018年第(6)号联邦法的统治;法院将有权审理与DIAC仲裁法庭作念出的任何裁决或选用的仲裁措施联系的任何索赔、肯求或上诉。

2. 要是仲裁当事东谈主弃取DIFC四肢仲裁地,仲裁协议和仲裁方法将受上述2008年第(1)号DIFC法律或任何其他替代法律的统治;DIFC法院将有权审理与DIAC仲裁法庭作出的任何裁决或选用的仲裁措施联系的任何索赔、肯求或上诉。

b. 要是仲裁各方未能就仲裁地达成一致,则DIFC将被视为仲裁地点或所在地;仲裁协议和仲裁方法将受本条(a)(2)项礼貌的条目和DIAC通过的仲裁规则统治。

c. 在不影响本条(a)款和(b)款的情况下,仲裁当事东谈主不错痛快在他们觉得适合的任何地点或通过当代通讯技巧和电子技能进行仲裁审理。

ChapterTwo Organisational Structure of the DIAC

第二章 DIAC的组织架构

Article (5) OrganisationalLevels of the DIAC

The DIAC will have the following organisational levels:

1. the Board of Directors;

2. the Arbitration Court; and

3. the administrative body.

第五条 DIAC的机构


1. 理事会;

2. 仲裁法院;

3. 行政机构。

Article (6) Formation of the Board of Directors

a. The DIAC will have a Board of Directors comprised of a Chairman, a vice chairman, and other members, who are highly qualified and experienced at local and international levels in economics, business administration, financial services, ADR Methods, and other relevant fields inside and outside of the Emirate. The total number of the Board of Directors members may not exceed nine (9), including the Chairman and the vice chairman. Members of the Board of Directors will be appointed pursuant to a resolution of the Ruler.

b. Where the post of Chairman falls vacant for any of the reasons stipulated in Article (14) of this Statute, the vice chairman will act as the Chairman until a new Chairman is appointed.

c. The vice chairman of the Board of Directors will exercise the powers vested in the Chairman pursuant to the provisions of this Statute in case of his absence or inability to perform his duties for any reason whatsoever.

d. Where the post of a member of the Board of Directors falls vacant for any of the reasons stipulated in Article (14) of this Statute, the Board of Directors will continue to perform its duties, provided that the number of the remaining members, including the Chairman and vice chairman, is not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the original number of members.


a. DIAC设理事会,由又名主席、又名副主席和其他成员构成,这些成员在海外或腹地的经济、工商经管、金融服务、ADR方法以及迪拜境表里的其他相关规模齐具有很高的履历和训戒。理事会成员总和不得进步九(9)东谈主,包括主席和副主席。理事会成员将字据统辖者的有设想任命。

b. 要是主席职位因本规则第14条礼貌的任何原因而空白,直到新主席被任命前,副主席将担任主席。

c. 理事会副主席在主席因任何原因缺席或无法履行职责时,将字据本规则的礼貌专揽主席的权力。

d. 要是理事会成员的职位因本规则第14条礼貌的任何原因而空白,只须包括主席和副主席在内的其余成员东谈主数不少于原成员东谈主数的三分之二(2/3),理事会将持续履行其职责。

Article (7) Termof Membership of the Board of Directors

a. Membership of the Board of Directors will be fora term of four (4) years, commencing from the date of appointment. This term is renewable for the same period.

b. Where a new member is appointed in place of another member of the Board of Directors, the new member will serve for the remainder of the term of his predecessor.

c. Where the Board of Directors is not reconstituted upon the expiry of its term of office, the Board of Directors whose term has expired will continue to perform its duties until a new Board of Directors is formed.


a. 理事会成员的任期为4年,从任命之日起算。该任期可在吞并时期内延伸。

b. 要是任命又名新成员代替理事会的另又名成员,新成员的任期为其前任的剩余任期。

c. 要是理事会在职期届满时莫得重组,任期届满的理事会将持续履行其职责,直到新的理事会成立。

Article (8) Functions of the Board of Directors

a. The Board of Directors will undertake general supervision of the DIAC, and for this purpose will have the duties and powers to:

1. approve, and supervise the implementation of, the general policy and strategic plans required for the achievement of the objectives of the DIAC;

2. approve the rules of arbitration and conciliation and the by laws regulating ADR Methods, including the rules and bylaws specific to each method. These rules and bylaws must be prepared and adopted in accordance with the international best practices and taking into consideration the size and complexity of Disputes and the cultural and legal diversity of the parties thereto;

3. propose amendments to the Statute and submit the same to the competent entities in the Emirate for consideration, in preparation for their approval by the Ruler;

4. establish rules, regulations, procedures, and requirements for arbitration funders;

5. approve the organisational structure of the administrative body of the DIAC, and approve the bylaws and regulations governing the administrative, financial, and technical affairs of the DIAC,including the human resources regulations of the DIAC;

6. appoint the Executive Director and determine the terms of his service and his employment entitlements;

7. approve the lists of DIAC arbitration and conciliation fees, including the fees of the arbitrators, conciliators, and experts engaged by the DIAC, and the charges for all other services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods;

8. approve the bylaws prescribing the requirements and procedures for DIAC membership; for registration on lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts; and for all other services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods;

9. approve lists of the DIAC membership fees and the fees for registration of arbitration claims, registration on lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts; and all other services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods;

10. review and approve the annual report on the performance, work, achievements, and activities of the DIAC;

11. approve the annual budget and financial statements of the DIAC;

12. appoint, remove, and determine the remuneration of, DIAC external auditors; and review and approve the financial reports and notes submitted by these auditors at the end of each financial year;

13. form advisory committees to assist the Board of Directors in the performance of its duties and enable it to achieve its objectives; and determine the duties, powers, and tenures of these committees;

14. approve the codes of conduct and professional ethics for arbitrators, conciliators, and experts; and for all other services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods;

15. approve the governance rules regulating the work of the Board of Directors, the Arbitration Court, and the sub-committees;

16. propose policies and conduct studies on arbitration, conciliation, and ADR Methods; and present the same to the concerned entities in the Emirate to take the necessary action in respect thereof;and

17. exercise any other duties or powers required for the achievement of the objectives of the DIAC.

b. With the exception of the powers vested in the Board of Directors under sub-paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(5), (a)(6), (a)(10), (a)(11), (a)(12), and (a)(13) of this Article, the Board of Directors may delegate any of its powers under paragraph (a) of this Article to the Arbitration Court, provided that such delegation is specific and in writing.

c. The Chairman will sign cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding with specialised local and international arbitration centres and institutions. The Chairman may delegate this power to any member of the Board of Directors or to the Executive Director, provided that such delegation is specific and in writing.


a. 理事会将对DIAC进行全面监督,因此理事会的职责和权力如下:

1. 为完毕DIAC的宗旨,批准并监督一般政策和计谋权略的实施;

2. 批准仲裁和妥洽规则以及要领ADR方法果然定,包括每种方法的具体规则和确定。这些规则和附则必须字据海外最好作念法制定和通过,并推敲到争议的范围和复杂性以及争议各方的文化和法律种种性;

3. 提倡本规则的修正案,并提交给阿联酋的专揽机关审议,以备统辖者批准;

4. 建立联系仲裁资助者的规则、条例、方法和要求;

5. 批准DIAC行政机构的组织结构,并批准经管DIAC行政、财务和技能事务果然定和条例,包括DIAC的东谈主力资源条例;

6. 任命扩充理事,并决定其服务条目和办事待遇;

7. 批准DIAC的仲裁和妥洽用度清单,包括DIAC聘用的仲裁人、妥洽员和各人的用度,以及DIAC在ADR方法方面提供的悉数其他服务的用度;

8. 批准礼貌DIAC会员履历的要乞降方法果然定;仲裁人、妥洽员和各人名单的登记;以及DIAC在ADR方法方面提供的悉数其他服务;

9. 批准DIAC会员费、仲裁肯求登记费、仲裁人、妥洽员和各人名单登记费以及DIAC在ADR方法方面提供的悉数其他服务的清单;

10. 审查和批准对于DIAC的推崇、责任、建立和举止的年度讲述;

11. 批准DIAC的年度预算和财务报表;

12. 任命、罢免DIAC的外部审计员,并决定其答谢;审查和批准这些审计员在每个财政年度终端时提交的财务讲述和证实;

13. 组建推断委员会,以协助董事会履行其职责并使其大要完毕其宗旨;并确定这些委员会的职责、权力和任期;

14. 批准仲裁人、妥洽员和各人的行动准则和干事谈德,以及DIAC在ADR方法方面提供的悉数其他服务;

15. 批准要领理事会、仲裁法院和各小组委员会责任的经管规则;

16. 就仲裁、妥洽和ADR方法提倡政策建议和进行磋议,并将其提交给酋长国的联系机关,以便选用必要的行动;以及


b. 除本条(a)(1)、(a)(2)、(a)(3)、(a)(5)、(a)(6)、(a)(10)、(a)(11)、(a)(12)和(a)(13)项赋予理事会的权力外,理事会可将本条(a)项礼貌的任何权力奉求给仲裁法院,但这种奉求必须具体和书面。

c. 主席有权与成心的场合和海外仲裁中心和机构签署协调协议和和蔼备忘录。主席可将此权力奉求给理事会的任何成员或扩充理事,但这种奉求必须是具体的和书面的。

Article (9) Meetings of the Board of Directors

a. The Board of Directors will convene at the invitation of the Chairman, or the vice chairman where the Chairman is absent, at least once every three (3) months, where necessary, and upon the request of the Arbitration Court.

b. Invitations to the Board of Directors meetings will be sent to all its members in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the DIAC bylaws. The letter of invitation must include the agenda, time, and venue of the meeting.

c. Meetings of the Board of Directors will be chaired by the Chairman, or the vice chairman where the Chairman is absent. In case of absence of both the Chairman and the vice chairman, the Board of Directors will elect from amongst its members the chair of the meeting, in which case the Chairman and vice chairman will be provided, immediately upon the end of the meeting, with copies of the resolutions passed.

d. Subject to paragraph (h) of this Article, meetings of the Board of Directors will be valid only if attended by the majority of its members.

e. The Board of Directors may hold its meetings and pass its resolutions and recommendations using means of electronic communication, as prescribed by DIAC bylaws in this respect.

f. Resolutions and recommendations of the Board of Directors will be passed by majority vote of the attending members; and in the event of a tie, the chair of the meeting will have the casting vote.

g. Resolutions and recommendations of the Board of Directors will be recorded in minutes signed by the chair of the meeting and attending members.

h. Where the subject matter of a meeting is related to amending this Statute, the rules of arbitration and conciliation, any of the services provided by the DIAC in respect of the ADR Methods, or any of the DIAC bylaws, the meeting will be valid only if attended by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board of Directors, provided that the Chairman or vice chairman is in attendance. In this case, the resolutions of the Board of Directors will be passed by a majority vote of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the attending members.


a. 理事会会议至少每三(3)个月召开一次,由主席,或在主席缺席时由副主席邀请召集,或在必要时应仲裁法院的要求而召开。

b. 理事会会议的邀请函将字据DIAC确定礼貌的方法发送给其悉数成员。邀请函必须包括会议的议程、时刻和地点。

c. 理事会会议将由主席主握,要是主席缺席,则由副主席主握。要是主席和副主席齐缺席,理事会将从其成员中选出会议主席,在这种情况下,主席和副主席将在会议终端后立即得到所通过的有设想副本。

d. 字据本条(h)款,理事会会议唯独在多半成员出席的情况下才灵验。

e. 字据DIAC确定的礼貌,理事会不错使用电子通讯技巧举行会议并通过其有设想和建议。

f. 理事会的有设想和建议将由与会成员的多半票通过;要是出现票数调换的情况,会议主席将有决定权。

g. 理事会的有设想和建议将被记载在由会议主席和与会成员签署的会议记载中。

h. 要是会议的主题波及纠原来规则、仲裁和妥洽规则、DIAC提供的与ADR方法联系的任何服务或DIAC的任何确定,则唯独在主席或副主席出席的情况下,且至少有三分之二(2/3)的董事会成员出席,会议才灵验。在这种情况下,理事会的有设想将由至少四分之三(3/4)的与会成员的多半票通过。

Arbitration Court 仲裁院

Article (10) Formation of the Arbitration Court

a. A court of arbitration will be formed within the DIAC and will be comprised of a president, a vice president, and other members.The total number of members must not exceed thirteen (13), including the president and the vice president of the Arbitration Court. The members of the Arbitration Court will be appointed pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors; and must have experience and competence at local and internationall evels in arbitration, conciliation, and other fields related to ADR Methods.The president of the Arbitration Court may be a member of the Board of Directors.

b. The term of membership in the Arbitration Court will be four (4) years and will not be renewable.

c. Where the position of a member of the Arbitration Court falls vacant, or he becomes unable to perform his duties for any reason, the Board of Directors must appoint another member to replace him for the remainder of the tenure of the Arbitration Court.


a. DIAC内设有仲裁院,由又名院长、又名副院长和其他成员构成。成员总和不得进步十三(13)东谈主,包括仲裁院的院长和副院长。仲裁院的成员将字据董事会的有设想任命;他们必须在当地和海外上具有仲裁、妥洽和其他与ADR方法相关的规模的训戒和才气。仲裁院院长可由董事会成员担任。

b. 仲裁院成员的任期为四(4)年,不得延期。

c. 要是仲裁院成员的职位出缺,或因任何原因不行履行其职责,董事会必须任命另又名成员代替他完成仲裁院剩余的任期。

Article (11) Functions of the Arbitration Court


The Arbitration Court will undertake general supervision of the ADR Methods offered by the DIAC, and will ensure that they are used properly, in a timely manner, and with the required efficiency. For this purpose, the Arbitration Court will have the duties and powers to:

1. supervise the implementation of the provisions of this Statute, the rules of arbitration and conciliation adopted by the DIAC, the bylaws regulating the ADR Methods, and any other arbitration rules agreed upon by the parties to Disputes, including the rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL);

2. propose, in coordination with the Executive Director, policies on arbitration, conciliation, and ADR Methods; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval, in preparation for their referral to the concerned entities in the Emirate;

3. propose, in coordination with the Executive Director, plans for training and qualifying arbitrators and mediators; and present the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

4. propose amendments to this Statute, and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

5. propose arbitration and conciliation rules and procedures, and the bylaws regulating ADR Methods, including the rules andb ylaws specific to each method, and any amendments made to them in line with the latest developments and international practices on ADR methods; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

6. appoint arbitration tribunals and conciliation panels in accordance with the rules of arbitration and conciliation adopted by the DIAC;

7. determine requests for recusal, removal, or reconsideration of appointment of arbitrators and conciliators; and provide reasons for such recusal, removal, or reconsideration of appointment, in accordance with the rules of arbitration and conciliation adopted by the DIAC;

8. supervise the review of draft arbitral awards and decisions in terms of form before their approval by arbitrators, in order to ensure their validity and convenient enforceability;

9. supervise emergency arbitration before the commencement of arbitration proceedings, as prescribed by the arbitration rules and the DIAC bylaws in this respect;

10. propose the list of fees of the arbitrators, conciliators, and experts engaged by the DIAC and of all other services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

11. determine the fees and charges for arbitration, conciliation, and other services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods;

12. propose the bylaws prescribing the requirements and procedures for DIAC membership; for registration on lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts; and for all other services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

13. consider and determine applications for DIAC membership and for registration on lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts;

14. propose the codes of conduct and professional ethics for arbitrators, conciliators, and experts, taking into consideration the principles of good governance, transparency, integrity, and justice; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

15. assist the Board of Directors in all matters referred to the Arbitration Court, when so requested;

16. participate in the symposia, lectures, training courses, and workshops conducted by the DIAC on ADR Methods;

17. prepare periodic reports on the outcomes of the Arbitration Court’s performance indicators; and submit the same to the Board of Directors to issue the relevant directives as it deems appropriate;

18. propose, in coordination with the Executive Director, the remuneration of members of the Arbitration Court and its sub-committees; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval; and

19. exercise any other duties or powers assigned to the Arbitration Court under the arbitration and conciliation rules, the bylaws regulating the ADR Methods, and the bylaws of the DIAC; or assigned or delegated to the Arbitration Court by the Board of Directors.




2. 与扩充理事协调,提倡对于仲裁、妥洽和ADR方法的政策,并提交理事会批准,以准备将其提交给酋长国的联系机关;


4. 提倡本规则的修正案,并提交理事会批准;

5. 提倡仲裁和妥洽规则和方法,以及要领ADR方法果然定,包括每种方法独到的规则和确定,以及字据ADR方法的最新发展和海外成例对其进行的任何修正;并提交理事会批准;

6. 字据DIAC通过的仲裁和妥洽规则,任命仲裁庭和妥洽小组;

7. 字据DIAC通过的仲裁和妥洽规则,确定对仲裁人和妥洽员任命的规避、撤职或再行推敲的请求;并提供这种规避、撤职或再行推敲任命的根由;




11. 确定DIAC提供的与ADR方法联系的仲裁、妥洽和其他服务的用度和收费;

12. 提倡礼貌DIAC会员履历的要乞降方法;仲裁人、妥洽员和各人名单的登记确定;以及DIAC在ADR方法方面提供的悉数其他服务;并将这些确定提交理事会批准;

13. 审议和决定DIAC成员履历的肯求以及仲裁人、妥洽员和各人名单的登记。



16. 干预DIAC举办的对于ADR方法的茶话会、讲座、培训课程和研讨会;

17. 编写对于仲裁院绩效目的限度的按期讲述;并将讲述提交给理事会,以发布其觉得适合的相关教唆;

18. 与扩充理事协调,提倡仲裁院过火小组委员会成员的薪酬,并提交理事会批准;以及

19. 字据仲裁和妥洽规则、要领ADR方法果然定和DIAC果然定,专揽分拨给仲裁院的任何其他职责或权力;或由理事会分拨或授权给仲裁院。

Article (12) Arbitration Court Meetings

a. The Arbitration Court will convene at the invitation of its president, or the vice president where the president is absent, at least once every (60) sixty days, and where necessary, in accordance with the relevant procedures prescribed by the DIAC bylaws.

b. Invitations to Arbitration Court meetings will be sent to its members at least seven (7) days prior to the date scheduled for the meeting. The letter of invitation must include the agenda, time, and venue of the meeting.

c. Arbitration Court meetings will be chaired by its president, or the vice president where the president is absent. In case of absence of both the president and the vice president, the Court will elect from amongst its members the chair of the meeting.

d. Arbitration Court meetings will be valid only if attended by the majority of its members. The Arbitration Court will pass its resolutions and recommendations by majority vote of the attending members; and in the event of a tie, the chair of the meeting will have the casting vote.

e. Arbitration Court resolutions and recommendations will be recorded in minutes of meetings signed by the chair of the meeting and attending members.

f. The Arbitration Court may hold its meetings and pass its resolutions and recommendations using means of electronic communication, as prescribed by DIAC bylaws in this respect.

g. The Arbitration Court may pass its resolutions and recommendations by circulation in respect of the matters specified by the president of the Arbitration Court.


a. 仲裁院会议至少每60天召开一次,应其院长的邀请,或在院长缺席的情况下应副院长的邀请,或在必要时按照DIAC确定礼貌的相关方法召开。

b. 仲裁院会议的邀请函将在预定会议日历前至少七(7)天发送给其成员。邀请函必须包括会议的议程、时刻和地点。

c. 仲裁院会议将由院长主握,院长缺席时由副院长主握。要是院长和副院长齐缺席,仲裁院将从其成员中选出会议主席。

d. 仲裁院会议唯独在多半成员出席的情况下才灵验。仲裁院将以出席成员的多半票通过其有设想和建议;要是出现票数调换的情况,会议主席将领有决定权。

e. 仲裁院的有设想和建议将被记载在由会议主席和与会成员签署的会议记载中。

f. 字据DIAC确定的礼貌,仲裁院可使用电子通讯技巧举行会议并通过其有设想和建议。

g. 仲裁法院可就仲裁院院长指定的事项以传阅方式通过其有设想和建议。

Article (13) Formation of Sub-committees

The Board of Directors may form permanent or temporary sub-committees from amongst the Arbitration Court members or other persons to assist the Arbitration Court in the performance of its duties under this Statute and the rules of arbitration and conciliation adopted by the DIAC.

第十三条 委员会的构成


Article (14) Termination of Membership

The membership of a member of the Board of Directors or the Arbitration Court will be terminated if he:

1. dies;

2. is declared bankrupt or insolvent;

3. resigns by means of a letter addressed to the Board of Directors, provided that the resignation is accepted pursuant to a resolution issued by the Ruler, in case of a Board of Directors member, or issued by the Board of Directors, in case of an Arbitration Court member;

4. becomes of defective legal capacity or legally incapacitated under the laws of his country of citizenship; or

5. is convicted by a final court judgement in a felony or other crime affecting honour or trustworthiness.






4. 字据其国籍国的法律,成为有劣势的法律行动才气或法律上无行动才气的东谈主;或


Administrative Body of the DIAC


Article (15) Functions of the Executive Director

The Executive Director will undertake management of the DIAC and supervision of its day-to-day work. For this purpose, the Executive Director will have the duties and powers to:

1. propose the DIAC general policy and strategic plans required for the achievement of its objectives; submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval; and follow up their implementation;

2. propose the organisational structure of the DIAC administrative body, and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

3. propose the bylaws and regulations governing the administrative, financial, and technical work of the DIAC, including human resources regulations; and submit the same to Board of Directors for approval;

4. supervise the implementation of the approved annual budget of the DIAC;

5. supervise the work of the DIAC administrative body, and appoint competent and specialised employees;

6. prepare, pursuant to the DIAC bylaws, the draft annual budget and financial statements of the DIAC, submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval, and provide the Board of Directors with the financial data and information on the annual plan and administrative and logistic needs of the DIAC, within the time frames prescribed by the Board of Directors in this respect;

7. attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Arbitration Court, and participate in the discussions and deliberations taking place during these meetings, without the right to vote on the resolutions and recommendations of the Board of Directors or the Arbitration Court;

8. propose, in coordination with the Arbitration Court, the bylaws prescribing the fees for registration of claims, for DIAC membership, for registration on lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts, and for all other services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods; and submit the same to the Board of Directors for approval;

9. sign documents on behalf of the DIAC in respect of all administrative and financial matters, in accordance with the authority matrix adopted under the DIAC bylaws and the relevant resolutions passed by the Board of Directors;

10. implement the resolutions issued by the Board of Directors, the Arbitration Court, and the sub-committees;

11. manage the funds and bank accounts of the DIAC in accordance with the relevant DIAC bylaws approved by the Board of Directors;

12. prepare an annual report on the achievements, work, and various activities of the DIAC, and any other periodic reports or work requested by the Board of Directors or the Arbitration Court, within the time frames prescribed by the Board of Directors or the Arbitration Court in this respect;

13. submit proposals on cooperation with local and international specialised arbitration centres and institutions for the achievement of DIAC objectives; and present the same to the Board of Directors to take the appropriate action in this regard; and

14. exercise any other duties or powers assigned or delegated to him by the Board of Directors.


1. 提倡完毕其宗旨所需的DIAC总体政策和计谋权略;将其提交给理事会批准;并追踪其实施情况;

2. 提倡DIAC行政机构的组织结构,并提交给理事会批准;

3. 提倡要领DIAC行政、财务和技能责任的规矩和条例,包括东谈主力资源条例;并提交理事会批准;

4. 监督经批准的DIAC年度预算的实施;

5. 监督DIAC行政机构的责任,并任命有才气的和成心的雇员;

6. 字据DIAC果然定,编制DIAC的年度预算和财务报表草案,提交理事会批准,并在理事会礼貌的时刻内向理事会提供对于DIAC年度权略和行政及后勤需求的财务数据和信息;

7. 出席理事会和仲裁法院的会议,并参与这些会议时代的磋议和审议,但对董事会或仲裁院的有设想和建议莫得投票权;

8. 与仲裁法院协调,提倡礼貌索赔登记费、DIAC会员费、仲裁人、妥洽员和各人名单登记费以及DIAC在ADR方法方面提供的悉数其他服务果然定;并将这些确定提交给理事会批准;

9. 字据DIAC确定通过的授权矩阵和理事领会过的相关有设想,代表DIAC签署悉数行政和财务事项的文献;

10. 扩充理事会、仲裁院和各小组委员会发布的有设想;


12. 在理事会或仲裁院礼貌的时刻内,编写对于DIAC的建立、责任和各式举止的年度讲述,以及理事会或仲裁院要求的任何其他按期讲述或责任;

13. 为完毕DIAC的宗旨,提交与当地和海外专科仲裁中心和机构协调的建议;并向理事会提交这些建议,以便其在这方面选用适合行动;以及


Article (16) Dutiesof the Administrative Body

Subject to the functions of the Executive Director stipulated in Article (15) of this Statute, the administrative body of the DIAC will, under the Executive Director's supervision, have the duties to:

1. provide administrative support services to the Arbitration Court and arbitration tribunals; and provide translation and logistic services related to arbitration and conciliation hearings;

2. record and maintain the minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors, the Arbitration Court, and the sub-committees;

3. notify the parties to Disputes of the date, time, and venue of arbitration hearings where so requested by arbitration tribunals, arbitrators, or conciliators;

4. provide the parties to Disputes, upon their request, with names of arbitrators, conciliators, and Dispute settlement experts and specialists depending on their qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise;

5. prepare a summary of each Dispute, and submit the same to the Arbitration Court together with a copy of the arbitration application;

6. create a register to keep the files of arbitration and conciliation cases; and maintain the original copies of the awards of the DIAC arbitration tribunals;

7. provide information on arbitration and conciliation, and explain the procedures adopted in Dispute settlement;

8. prepare the forms necessary for arbitration and conciliation proceedings, particularly the conflict of interest disclosure form;

9. prepare, maintain, and regularly update electronic lists of the names of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts; and a register of DIAC members, containing their respective addresses and specialities;

10. prepare a register of the decisions issued by the Arbitration Court regarding the recusal and dismissal of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts; provide a summary of, and the reasons for suchdecisions for the purposes of their publication on the DIAC website, taking into consideration the confidentiality of the details of arbitrators,conciliators, experts, and parties to Disputes;

11. manage and periodically update the DIAC website;

12. submit to the Executive Director reports on performed tasks and on the future plans required for achieving the objectives of the DIAC;

13. make proposals as required for developing the processes of arbitration, conciliation, and any other ADR Methods;

14. conduct a periodic review of the arbitration and conciliation rules and the bylaws regulating the services provided by the DIAC in respect of ADR Methods; and conduct benchmarking with the best rules and bylaws adopted by other local and international arbitration centres and institutions;

15. publish and supervise periodicals and other publications of the DIAC;

16. organise and participate in symposia, lectures, training courses, and workshops on ADR Methods;

17. supervise the processes of coordination and collaboration with local and international arbitration centres and institutions specialised in areas that serve the DIAC objectives;

18. consider the applications for registration on lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts; and applications for DIAC membership; and

19. exercise any other duties or powers that are assigned to it by the Executive Director or that are required for running the daily business of the DIAC.



1. 为仲裁院和仲裁庭提供行政撑握服务;并提供与仲裁和妥洽听证联系的翻译和后勤服务;

2. 记载和保存理事会、仲裁院和各小组委员会的会议记载;

3. 在仲裁庭、仲裁人或妥洽员的要求下,将仲裁听证会的日历、时刻和地点陈述争议确当事东谈主;

4. 字据争议各方的要求,向其提供仲裁人、妥洽员和措置争议的各人和专科东谈主员的姓名,这取决于他们的履历、训戒和专科规模;

5. 编写每个争议的摘录,并将其与仲裁肯求的副本一谈提交给仲裁院;

6. 建立一个登记簿,以保存仲裁和妥洽案件的档案;并保存DIAC仲裁庭裁决的原件;

7. 提供联系仲裁和妥洽的信息,并讲明争端措置所适用的方法;





12. 向扩充理事提交对于已完成的任务和完毕DIAC宗旨所需的将来权略的讲述;

13. 为发展仲裁、妥洽和任何其他ADR方法的发展提倡必要的建议;

14. 按期审查仲裁和妥洽规则以及要领DIAC在ADR方法方面所提供服务果然定;并与其他腹地和海外仲裁中心和机构采用的最好规则和确定进行比对;

15. 出书和监督DIAC的期刊和其他出书物;

16. 组织并参与联系ADR方法的研讨会、讲座、培训课程和讲习班;

17. 监督与当地和海外仲裁中心以及成心服务于DIAC宗旨规模的机构的协调与协调经由;

18. 审议在仲裁人、妥洽员和各人名单登记的肯求,以及加入DIAC的成员肯求;以及

19. 专揽扩充理事分拨给其的任何其他职责或权力,或扩充理事平淡业务所需的任何其他职责或权力。

ChapterThree Financial Affairs of the DIAC

第三章 DIAC的财政治务

Article (17) Financial Resources of the DIAC

The financial resources of the DIAC will consist of:

1. fees for registration of applications for arbitration, conciliation, and other ADR Methods;

2. fees for registration on the lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts;

3. DIAC membership fees;

4. revenues received by the DIAC in return for performing activities and providing services; and

5. any other financial resources approved by the Board of Directors.

第十七条 DIAC的财政收入


1. 仲裁、妥洽和其他ADR方法肯求的登记费;

2. 仲裁人、妥洽员和各人名单的登记费;

3. DIAC会员费;

4. DIAC因开展举止和提供服务而得回的收入;以及

5. 理事会批准的任何其他财政收入。

Article (18) DIAC Accounts and Financial Year

a. In managing its accounts and records, the DIAC will apply commercial accounting rules and principles in accordance with recognised international standards.

b. The financial year of the DIAC will commence on 1 January and will end on 31 December of each year.

第十八条 DIAC账户和财政年度

a. DIAC将字据公认的海外圭臬,适用买卖管帐规则和原则,经管其账目和记载。

b. DIAC的财政年度将从每年的1月1日启动,到12月31日终端。

Chapter Four Final Provisions


Article (19) Representing the DIAC

The Chairman will represent the DIAC before official and unofficial entities and judicial authorities. The Chairman may delegate this power to any members of the Board of Directors, to the Arbitration Court, or to the Executive Director, provided that such delegation is specific and in writing.

第十九条 DIAC的代表


Article (20) Registration on the Lists of Arbitrators, Conciliators, and Experts

Registration on the lists of arbitrators, conciliators, and experts will be subject to the approval by the Arbitration Court of an application submitted to the DIAC on the form prescribed by it for this purpose and supported by the required documents; and in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the relevant bylaws approved by the Board of Directors.



Article (21) DIAC Membership

Membership of the DIAC will be awarded in accordance with this Statute, subject to approval by the Executive Director, and based on an application submitted to the DIAC on the form prescribed by it for this purpose and supported by the required documents. Membership will be awarded in accordance with the membership bylaw approved by the Board of Directors, which determines membership categories, standards, requirements, and fees.

第二十一条 DIAC的会员履历


Article (22) Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest

a. Meetings and deliberations of the Board of Directors, the Arbitration Court, and the sub-committees will be held in camera. No chairperson or member thereof may attend or participate in meetings or vote on any matter or decision to which he is party, in which he has a direct or an indirect interest, or in respect of which he is an agent, a legal representative, a guardian, or a custodian of one of the disputants. In any event, each chairperson or member must disclose such a relationship or conflict of interest, if any.

b. The chairpersons and members of the Board of Directors, the Arbitration Court, and the sub-committees; the Executive Director; and the employees of the administrative body of the DIAC must not disclose or divulge, during or after their term of service with the DIAC, any information or documents related to the work or services of the DIAC.

c. All information provided by the parties to aDispute is deemed confidential. Any person who gains access to such informationmust not disclose or divulge it without the written consent of the parties tothe Dispute or a request of the competent judicial authority.


a. 理事会、仲裁法院和委员会的会议和审议将以非公开方式进行。任何会长或会员不得出席或干预会议,也不得就其为当事方、在其中有平直或盘曲利益的任何事项或决定进行表决,或就其为争议方之一的代理东谈主、法定代表东谈主、监护东谈主或看护东谈主的事项或决定进行表决。在职何情况下,每个会长或会员齐必须表露这种关系或利益突破。

b. 理事会、仲裁法院和委员会的主席和成员;扩充理事;以及DIAC行政机构的雇员,在其为DIAC服务时代或之后,不得表露或泄露与DIAC的责任或服务联系的任何信息或文献。

c. 争议各方提供的悉数信息齐被视为玄机。任何得回此类信息的东谈主,未经争议各方的书面痛快或专揽司法当局的要求,不得表露或泄露此类信息。

Article (23) Independence and Impartiality in Discharging Duties

a. In exercising their duties and powers at the DIAC under the rules of arbitration and conciliation adopted by the DIAC, the Arbitration Court, the sub-committees, the Executive Director, and the employees of the administrative body of the DIAC must act independently and impartially; and must not follow any instructions in respect of discharging their duties at the DIAC.

b. In performing their duties in respect of considering and determining arbitration claims, arbitrators are deemed independent of the Board of Directors, the Arbitration Court, the sub-committees, and the Executive Director; and are not bound by any instructions in respect of discharging the duties related to such claims.


a. 在字据DIAC通过的仲裁和妥洽规则在DIAC专揽其职责和权力时,仲裁法、委员会、扩充理事和DIAC行政机构的雇员必须零丁和公深谷行事;在履行其在DIAC的职责时,不得解任任何教悔。

b. 在履行审议和裁定仲裁肯求的职责时,仲裁人被视为零丁于理事会、仲裁院、委员会和扩充理事;况且在履行与仲裁肯求联系的职责时不受任何教悔的不停。

Article (24) Exemption from Liability

Neither the Chairman, nor any member of the Board of Directors, the Arbitration Court, a sub-committee, or an arbitration tribunal, nor the Executive Director, nor any employee of the administrative body of the DIAC will, in the course of performing his duties at the DIAC, incur civil liability for any act or omission committed by him as a result of an inadvertent error. The DIAC will be solely liable for such an act or omission.



Article (25) Notices and Communications

a. All notices, communications, and correspondence stipulated in this Statute and in the rules of arbitration and conciliation must be in writing, and may be dispatched by the means of communication specified in the DIAC bylaws.

b. The notices, communications, and correspondence referred to in paragraph (a) of this Article will take effect as of the day following delivery of the same to the addressee.


a. 本规则以及仲裁和妥洽规则中礼貌的悉数陈述、函件和信件齐必须是书面面貌,并可通过DIAC确定中礼貌的通讯方式发送。

b. 本条(a)款中提到的陈述、函件和信件将在投递收件东谈主的次日起奏效lissa_sex5 chaturbate。

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